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InternalError on multiple AND and JOIN Query

Hi, Using objectdb 2.2.8_06. Running the following query: SELECT DISTINCT $1 FROM CDI $1 JOIN $1.contactDetails $2 JOIN $2.addresses $3 JOIN $3.attributeList $4 JOIN $2.phoneNumbers $5 JOIN $5.attributeList $6 WHERE ((($4.name='suburb') AND ($4.valueAsString='Los Angeles')) AND (($6.name='areacode

How to use JOIN FETCH?

JOIN FETCH to avoid excessive round trips to the database: SELECT c FROM Country c JOIN FETCH c ... .   TypedQuery<Person> q = em.createQuery(         "select p from Person p join fetch p.addressHistory ... duplication then this is normal for JOIN FETCH and you can remove duplication by using SELECT DISTINCT

Multiple joins did not return expected result

a specific calendar by its id like: SELECT event FROM Calendar c1, SharedCalendar c2 INNER JOIN c1.events AS event INNER JOIN c2.original.events AS event WHERE c1.id=?1 OR c2.id=?1 Unfortunately ... FROM Calendar c1, SharedCalendar c2 INNER JOIN c1.events AS event1 INNER JOIN c2.original.events

OR not working with isNull

JOIN. This is a requirement of the JPA specification, which is known to cause some confusion. You have to use LEFT OUTER JOIN explicitly to cover entities with a null owner. support Support ... is probably converted to something such as: SELECT e FROM MyEntity e JOIN e.owner o WHERE o

Join query problem with new statetment

when using query with join. The query code is: TypedQuery<InspirationsPerSupplierResult> inspirationQuery ... ) from Inspiration insp join insp.products p where (p.supplier = ?1 ... InspirationsPerSupplierResult(insp, p) from Inspiration insp join insp.products p where (p.supplier

Join performance in Objectdb

fields in Page and Image are not annotated with @Id or @Index. In that case, executing the JOIN ... a JOIN on ID fields, similarly to your original query. The second query uses JOIN on direct

Detaching objects after JOIN FETCH

Hi, I have a question about detaching objects after issuing query with JOIN FETCH. Let's say I ... to fetch all B classes with all A classes skipping lazy loading: select b from B b join fetch b ... is closed, B.aClasses is always null. I thought, that after join fetch and CascadeType.DETACH list

Problem using "and" for joined entities and indexed fields

join p.children c where c.age = 42", Parent.class).getResultList().size());         System.out.println(em.createQuery("select from Parent p join p.children c where c.name = 'Foo'", Parent.class).getResultList().size());         System.out.println(em.createQuery("select from Parent p join p.children


root Since: JPA 2.0 Join<X,Y> correlate( Join<X,Y> parentJoin) Create a subquery join object correlated to a join object of the enclosing query. Create a subquery join object correlated to a join object of the enclosing query. Parameters: parentJoin - join object of the containing query Returns

Problem with JOIN and inheritance

.customer.VendorCustomer $1 JOIN $1.qubletFRAGMENTMAP $2, com.quasado.foundation.warehouse.contract ... I do select from "VendorCustomer" yet through using the join, he is also selecting all "Customer ... should not even join the $1.qubletFRAGMENTMAP of any other class but "VendorCustomer"!? thanks Alex quasado

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Prior knowledge or experience in database programming (SQL, JDBC, ORM, JPA, etc.) is not required, but some background in using the Java language is essential.

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